More yield in Crocus with Optimum Bulb

Every year, SB Soli Plant has various products tested by independent parties. Last year, research was started into the added value of the biostimulant Optimum Bulb in crocus cultivation.

About Optimum Bulb

Optimum Bulb is a plant-based biostimulant approved for use in organic cultivation. This product was specially developed to give bulb and tuber crops a good start by creating an optimal micro-climate. It mainly stimulates root growth and uptake of essential micro elements. This makes the crop more resistant to stress caused by drought and heat. This product is best applied as soil treatment by infilling.


During the season, there were already visible differences in crop die-off. Here the object treated with Optimum Bulb remained green longer than the other objects. These positive differences were also found in yields. With 7 percent more yield than the Ridomil object, Optimum Bulb shows a clear added value.