

How it works

Quelatio is a fertiliser product with various essential micro nutrients that has been enhanced with Phycotec technology. As a result, nutrients are not only better protected, but are also more easily absorbed by the plant. Quelatio can be applied as foliar fertiliser or via fertigation.

Often, micro-nutrient deficiencies are not immediately visible in the crop. Yet, a sufficient presence is important for all plant physiological processes to work properly.

Phycotec - technology ensures that all supplied elements (boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc) find their way to the target organs in a balanced and functional way.


  • Soluble boron (B): 0.35% p/p (0.45% p/v)
  • Soluble copper (Cu): 0.20% p/p (0.25% p/v)
  • Iron (Fe), EDTA chelated: 3,5% w/w (4,5% w/v)
  • Manganese (Mn) EDTA chelated: 2,0% w/w (2,6% w/v)
  • Molybdenum (Mo) soluble: 0,15% w/w (0,19% w/v)
  • Zinc (Zn) chelated EDTA: 0.3% p/p (0.4% p/v)
  • Enzyme enhancers and organic polymers derived from Phycotec technology


The complexation of micronutrients has always been associated with reducing losses in their application. However, Quelatio also focuses on increasing transport speed and mobility to achieve a faster corrective effect, for a longer period. Through Phycotec technology, the nutrients remain available longer in a soluble form and can even be retained by the plant to be made available later to new vegetative developments.

  • Ideal ratio of micronutrients: contains the specific ratio of micronutrients to perform multiple correction of deficiencies, without imbalances in their relationship to prevent excesses or deficiencies between them.
  • Rapid chelation: Provides a fast and effective release of micronutrients, optimised for foliar application.